Keenan Ingram
Mobile Journalism
April 14 2018

For my mobile and social media strategy analysis I followed the news station WSOC and two of its on-air talent, reporter Gina Esposito(@GinaWSOC9 @ginawsoc9)  and anchor/reporter Brittney Johnson(@Brittyoureon, @BrittneyWSOC9) from wsoc 9.
During this assignment tracking Gina and Brittney I noticed that Twitter seems to be the most active and used platform. Both Brittney and Gina’s twitter pages were strictly business for example on these pages you will see a lot of breaking stories and trending news.
In doing this assignment I was able to get in touch with anchor/ reporter Brittney Johnson and was able to interview her about certain topics. Including, social media guidelines for her job, and how her and the company uses social media. Brittney also shared some interesting things about life at WSOC relating to her job from reporting to the evolution of social media, and company guidelines when it comes to their social media platforms. I learned that social media is another component for reporters and anchors to let people know what going on at the current moment and keep viewers updated.  
What are the particular guidelines about how WSOC wants you to use social media? “I guess in a sense I'm somewhat fortunate that WSOC doesn't have strict requirements or limitations but they required us to use social media.”
What are the platforms that WSOC 9 uses in particular when it comes to social media? “The company uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to help engage with the public.”
How do you use your own platform and between Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram which one do you use more? “I mostly uses Facebook to generate dialogue and talk to people about their thoughts a few polls here and there and some day she may just say good morning to let people know hey I'm a real person.” “Instagram is kind of the same approach for me, but difference i use that platform more of my personal life and have a little bit more fun there.” “I use my Twitter platform for  breaking news and to let viewers know what is happening right now." If you want to hear the full interview click here..


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