For 2 years the FBI has been investigating illegal acts as far as college basketball players accepting bribes, coaches doing illegal acts to guarantee that a recruit comes to there school. The NCAA makes millions of dollars but got exposed last week by the FBI, the NCAA has a very big problem when it comes to one and done. Money being made due to sponsors, shoe companies and other endorsements for the school, these highly talented kids being influence by agents and coaches. Automatically all of this leads to what we now have as NCAA probe scandal. What makes this more disturbing is this isn't mid major schools involved in this scandal. Its some of the biggest college basketball schools in the country such as Unc, Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Texas, and least 20 big programs involved . Some players former and current that attended these schools names came up in the FBI findings for a possible violations. Such as taking large amount of money from a agent or receiving gifts which is a violation to the NCAA. But the tip of this whole investigation came when 
Arizona coach Sean miller got caught on wire tap consulting with a agent to paying 100,000 to ensure that top recruit Deandre Ayton comes to Arizona. According to NCAA president Mark Emmert "With this looming over the NCAA shows there is a culture and system corruption failure." The Arizona coach is only the first domino that highlights what could be going on at all of these other programs.
My personal opinion on this investigation is that for one I'm not surprised that this has been going on. In my  opinion this scandal has been going on more so due to the one and done rule implemented after 2003. In other sports such as baseball and hockey there are minor leagues where players can go straight from high school to play in the pros. Where as basketball one and done rule you have go to college for one year or be out of school for year just causes conflicts. These top kids are only in school because they have to go for one year before they go get drafted in the NBA. If it was most of this guys choice they would go straight to the NBA and avoid college for one year. By this rule being in place it causes corruption where agents shoe company's endorsers that give theses big schools and coaches tons of money can influence this kids to come play for them. All this scandal for me does it highlights the issue that players should either get paid for playing. Or what some have advocated is you need to change the one and done rule or go to the hockey, baseball model where players can have a agent and go straight out of high school. In doing this you will have less problems when comes to kids being put in a situation where they break NCAA rules. Lastly instead of wasting a year possible getting hurt with no insurance they can go straight to the league and make a honest living. It just like the kids that go to college graduate and pursue there career jobs. Well these basketball players want to do the same thing and can get there quicker compared to a person with standard job career.


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